Saturday, May 22, 2010


               For Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Gout
Did you know that there are more than 100 types of arthritis? Common arthritis symptoms of inflammation, pain, and stiffness are usually caused by degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis). Other types of arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis and gout.Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful disease that can destroy joints. Women are three times more likely to get it than men
                        Rheumatoid arthritis linked to sunshine vitamin deficiency

Researchers from the Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, United States, established a significant relationship between vitamin D and the risk for rheumatoid arthritis by observing women living in north-eastern America, who were found to be more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis.
Details of study
The researchers said that there is a definitive link between the vitamin D deficiency and RA risk as they found that women living in more northern latitudes showed a higher prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis as they had lower levels of sunshine vitamin due to less exposure to sunlight.
For the study, scientists looked at the data collected from the Nurses' Health Study, observing the facts such as behavioral risk factors, health outcomes and residential addresses of subjects between 1988 and 2002.
They based their results on 461 women who had rheumatoid arthritis, as compared to a large control group of 9,220 females.
The authors wrote, "A geographic association with northern latitudes has also been observed for multiple sclerosis and Crohn’s disease, other autoimmune diseases that may be mediated by reduced vitamin D from decreased solar exposure and the immune effects of vitamin D deficiency."
Facts about Vitamin D
It is found in fish like salmon, egg yolks and margarine.
Medical studies have suggested that Vitamin D may also help with seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
As little as 30 minutes of early morning or late afternoon sunlight on the face, hands and arms two or three times a week can supply the entire Vitamin D one needs.
Types of Arthritis
There are more than 100 different types of arthritis. Some of the more common types include:
• Osteoarthritis. This is the most common type of arthritis. It occurs when the cartilage covering the end of the bones gradually wears away. Without the protection of the cartilage, the bones begin to rub against each other and the resulting friction leads to pain and swelling. Osteoarthritis can occur in any joint, but most often affects the hands and weight-bearing joints such as the knee, hip and facet joints (in the spine). Osteoarthritis often occurs as the cartilage breaks down, or degenerates, with age or overuse. For this reason, osteoarthritis is sometimes called degenerative joint disease.
• Rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a long-lasting disease that can affect joints in any part of the body except the lower back and most commonly involves the hands, wrists, and knees. With rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system -- the body's defense system against disease -- mistakenly attacks itself and causes the joint lining to swell. The inflammation then spreads to the surrounding tissues, and can eventually damage cartilage and bone. In more severe cases, rheumatoid arthritis can affect other areas of the body, such as the skin, eyes, lungs, and nerves.
• Gout. Gout is a painful condition that occurs when the body cannot eliminate a natural substance called uric acid. The excess uric acid forms needle-like crystals in the joints that cause swelling and severe pain. Gout most often affects the big toe, knee, and wrist joints.
Eight things you need to know about Rheumatoid Arthritis
1. It’s a lifelong condition.
2. It’s not an ‘older person’s disease’.People can develop it at any age,even as children. For most peoplesymptoms generally begin between 40 and 60 years of age.
3. There is no obvious pattern to thesymptoms. Everybody’s disease is different. People get ‘flares’, or
periods when their symptoms are much worse, which then subside.You can have periods when the
disease is quiet and doesn’t cause you any problems.
4. It doesn’t only affect the joints.It can sometimes affect other parts of the body, for example the eyes
and lungs, though not for everyone.Apart from joint pain, stiffness and swelling, some people may have
difficulty in sleeping, feel intensely tired and feel like they have bad flu.
5. It’s a type of disease called an ‘autoimmune disease’, which results from a problem with the body’s immune system.
6. Left untreated, it is a destructive disease that can cause serious damage to joints, if the inflammation
is not controlled.
7. Some people have very little damage to their joints and a few (about 1 in20) have severe damage in several joints. It is a progressive disease,but how it progresses varies from
person to person. Treatment aims to control the disease and reduce the damage.
8. With early diagnosis and the right treatment, most people diagnosed today can expect to lead normal lives
with their symptoms under control.
Try to keep active, even if you don’t always feel like it. It’s about finding a balance between getting enough rest,and being active enough to keep your muscles strong and your joints mobile without harming them. Swimming can be ideal, because the joints are supported while you exercise. And you don’t have to pay for exercise for it to do you good – walking counts!
Gentle stretching exercises help to keep you mobile. Making small changes to your daily routine now will add up over time so that you feel the benefits.

The Ingredients of Ralrheumo are Acid Formic, Colchicum, Lithium Carb etc. which have been found helpful in treating arthritis, and other associated problems :-
Acid formic:-
• Chronic Myalgia, Gout and articular rheumatism, Acute rheumatic fever
• Pains worse on right side, motion, Better from motion
• The parts are red, hot, swollen, Tearing pains, worse in the evening, at night and from touch
• Feeling of pins and needles in hands and wrists, Finger tips are numb
• Inflammation of great toe, Gout in the heel, cannot bear to have it touched or moved
• Rheumatic problems induced by damp cold, relieved by moving about
• Paralysis of single parts, Feet icy cold
• Rheumatic symptoms after acute skin eruption
• Lac of muscular coordination, Sluggish circulation
• Excessive trembling and weakness of all the limbs
• Worse by damp weather, fog, thunderstorm, excitement, bad news, tobacco smoking, thinking of ailments, Better by bending forward, profuse micturition, open air, continuous motion
Ledum Pal:-
• Gouty pains shoot all through the foot and limb, especially joints
• Gouty nodosities, Ball of great toe swollen
• Rheumatism begins in lower limbs and ascends, worse warmth of bed
Lithium Carb:-
• Chronic rheumatism connected with heart lesions
• Uric acid diathesis, Nodular swellings in joints, Better hot water
• Rheumatic pains throughout shoulder joint, arm, fingers and small joints
Natrum Salicylicum :-
• Acute articular rheumatism and Lumbago
Rhus Tox
• Rheumatism in the cold season, Hot, painful swelling of joints
• Rheumatic pains spread over a large surface at nape of neck, lions and extremities
• Better by motion, The cold fresh air is not tolerated

Each 5ml contains :-
Acid Formic HPI 6x - 0.05 ml
Colchicum HPI 5x - 0.05ml
Dulcamara HPI 3x - 0.0125ml
Gelsemium HPI 3x - 0.0125ml
Ledum Pal HPI 3x - 0.0250ml
Lithium Carb 5x - 0.0125gm
Natrum Salicylicum HPI 5x - 0.05gm
Rhus Tox HPI 6x - 0.25 ml
Alcohol - 5.7% v/v
Arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Spondylitis, Gout, Backache esp. Lumbago , Paralyzed limbs, Stiffness of joints and other painful musculoskeletal conditions.
Two tea spoon full diluted with ¼ cup of lukewarm water thrice a day or as directed by the physician.
SIDE EFFECTS      Notknown         Shake well before use              115mlHomoeopathicMedicine

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